Restaurant Leadership Conference News

Who and what are the disruptors to the restaurant industry for 2016? Answering that question is a key goal at the Restaurant Leadership Conference.

Ask anyone what restaurants to check out in Phoenix, and there will be at least one concept from Sam Fox. Ask Sam Fox, and he’ll tell you about Craig DeMarco.

Panera Bread founder, Chairman and CEO Ron Shaich shared his one-cafe-at-a-time focus at Winsight’s Restaurant Leadership Conference.

“The biggest mistakes I’ve made are people mistakes,” Brolick told Dawn Sweeney, president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association in front of a packed audience at the Restaurant Leadership Conference.

Over four days and almost three dozen general and breakout sessions, attendees of the Restaurant Leadership Conference were treated to experiences and insights that extended far beyond business.

The NLRB’s push to shift franchisors’ responsibility of franchisees is seen as a lose-lose for all.

Restaurants' new buzz phrase for capturing consumers is one-to-one marketing--using data captured often without the customer's awareness to personalize a pitch. That snooping and profiling doesn't sit well with some patrons, including our Token Millennial.